Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. it’s not ! Dr Seus

Tell us about your projects or applications to the extent that they are worn or developed under GNU/Linux.

Made us know even if they are free or proprietary, free or paid

The UMI project is part of a set for the use of science for development and thus evolution; in a spirit of serenity, concerned about the well being of nature and a suitable balance.

All free project worthy of the name, bringing together a user community and/or sizeable developer should be supported; either financially or in any other way to perpetuate its development.

We are for now students and by giving you help to support our projects and studies.

GNU/Linux is a set of communities distributed according to the distributions and their variants, as well as more or less popular supported applications. Join our user or developer community and participate in this new adventure.

Any criticism or suggestion to improve system performance and adaptation to a general convenience is welcome.

Their valuable suggestions have contributed in some way to improve the project
